Conscious Level
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Conscious Level is the dynamic Hip-Hop group withWest Coast Energy, Southern Flavor, and East Coast Intellect.Their focus is on conscious issues such as blackon black crime, the war on drugs, political affairs, globalpropaganda and they challenge you to expand your mindand push the envelope on social issues... everychance they get. Conscious Level consists of Haduj, Salazar, Xtreme &The Architect. Timothy Leon Ross performs as Haduj (Judah Backwards).Haduj was born in Atlanta, Georgia and served his countryby joining the United States Army, and has acted on variousprojects and is a proud member of SAG-AFTRA.Haduj hashad many opportunities in the entertainment industry andis most proud of his record deal with EMI Records, whilepart of the rap group “After Mecca.” Theida Salazar (performs as Salazar) also an Atlanta Native,ran for House of Representatives in Georgia for the 44th District,served in the United States Navy as an Intelligence Specialistand received his Law Degree from Abraham Lincoln School of Law.Salazar is the Lion in the acclaimed stage-play The Hip-HopWizard of Oz, has appeared in numerous award winning filmsand television productions, performed in 9 different countries,is AFL-CIO Delegate for SAG-AFTRA and on the NationalLegislative Committee for SAG-AFTRA. Rick Moore (performs as Extreme) and was born in Los Angelesand raised on the gritty streets of Long Beach. Extreme’smotto is From the Streets to the Heavens, based upon hislife experience on the streets, which resulted in his stint with theCalifornia Department of Corrections. While incarcerated,Extreme made the valiant decision to turn his life aroundand strive for higher plateaus and has involved himselfin many noble causes in his community. The Architect of the group Voting Grammy Member producer,CR8 Music Academy Alumni and Musical Genius is Wendell Wellman. A Los Angeles Native career extend more then two decades as asongwriter, producer and video director has worked with such companies as A&M, BMG, UNIVERSAL, WARNER BROTHERS, CAPITAL/EMI, SONY, DISNEY, and MTV. Collectively, Conscious Level integrates three very differentperspectives of life to reflect its internal bond of brotherhood(Spiritual Teacher, Lawyer, and Convict) that effectivelycome together as one voice- tackling social issues, encouragingchange and challenging the masses to teach one another,uplift, elevate, and evolve.
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