Fountain Delano
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Next time you're listening to your local radio station orwatching your favorite video show, and you find yourselfwondering what ever happened to the R&B superstarslike we use to have...look no further than Fountain Delano.While most artists nowadays are satisfied with simplysinging lyrics, Fountain Delano delivers songs with apassion. That deep down from the soul feeling thatcan pull a listener into the pain of losing a lover orthe joy of a late night rendezvous.Although Fountain Delano grew up in a small NorthCarolina town, he has never been a stranger to theentertainment industry. Like the majority of greatR&B singers, Fountain began singing Gospel musicat an early age. His father, also a singer, recordednumerous albums with such Gospel legends asSam Cooke, The Mighty Clouds of Joy, and theGospel Keynotes.Not to mention his mother who recorded severalalbums of her own for Capitol Records. DespiteFountain Delano's success in the Gospel arena(recording and touring with Shirley Caesar andTommy Ellison), he realized that his heart wasmore in the R&B music that he had been raisedlistening to.So at age 21, Fountain Delano left Warsaw,North Carolina and headed for the bright lightsof Los Angeles, California. It didn't take a longfor success to find him. In addition to touringas a back-up singer. That's when Fountain decidedit was time for him to begin work on his own project.Fountain Delano's debut single " Yesterday "is already spinning on the turntables in clubsthroughout THE GLOBE. A departure from thesexy ballads he has become known for, thissong is aimed at getting people on the dancefloor and the lyrics are aimed at the ladiesinsationable desires. But don't think that Fountainhas left the balladering behind. With each song heproves that he can croon with, and surpass,the best of them.
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