Real Smoke
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Real Smoke emerges from the gang infestedstreets of L.A. Just as smoke rises to thetop, Real Smoke frees itself from the shackleswith unconventional beats that bring heatto tha streets, thru your feets body, mind& soul. Black Geenie: Vocals, Song writer and producer.Black G (short for Black Geenie) hasbeen rockin the mic relentlessly for years. He has made a name for himself by blowin up the L.A. clubscene with his nebulous flows. Black G is not onlyone of the co-founders of "Real Smoke", but also the main ingredient to the "Real Smoke" gumbo sound. He has a Masters in writing lyrics and aBachelors in beat making. He is a true studentand artist to the Hip-Hop game, with passionoozing out of his pores. Armed with an extensivecatalog of songs. Black Geenie will be rockincrowds from now til infinity. SEISMIC: Keyboards and Production. Seismic wasone of the left coasts best kept secrets. Seismicwas one of the most innovative sonic producersto emerge out of the lab in awhile. Hailing fromthe city of Long Beach, he was a Realmufti-instrumentalist and classically trained musician.(something the Hip-Hop game has very little of today)He was blessed with the innate ability to take elementsof a gritty urban environment and parlay them intosome of the dopest sonic works ever heard. Besidesbeing a co-founder of the Hip-Hop collective of"Real Smoke" he also owned and started I R & E( Iridescent Recordings & Entertainment) /Thermonuclearstudios. Combination music production and recordingstudio. Seismic made his transition in September of2009, where he continues to bang out the mostinnovative, cutting edge Hip-Hop beats in "Heaven".His presents is Greatly Missed. However he is still feltthru his musical contributions of the "Real Smoke"songs, photos and memories. Steve "E" Ross: Bass Guitar, Keyboards andProduction. Steve "E" is A TRUE STAR, armedwith the gift of groove, Steve "E" Ross is on amission sublime--To Enlighten, Entertain, andEmpower you thru "MUSIC". Steve "E", embodiestrue musicianship. Originally from Chi town, hismusical background includes training at Santa MonicaCollege, the prestigious UCLA music and businessprogram and the Musicians Institute. Well respectedthroughout the music scenes, Steve "E" has aimpeccable ear and his musical talents are veryexpressive, exciting and enlightening. He ismore than groove he is " Purpose ".
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