Let's start this adventure and take a sip of T.E.A. as you go " Up The Rabbit Hole ". This EP has been created to take you to a place of your own imaging. Each song paints a picture step by step ( over the mountains & thru the woods ) "Up The Rabbit Hole" enjoy =)
T.E.A. ( Total Emmersive Audio) is a collective colaboration of DJ Thergood and steve e ross. Together they have created a new genre called : "Emmersive". To get the Big Picture please listen / view "Up The Rabbi Whole". We aspire to enlighten, entertain and empower you. Our purpose is to inspire, and uplift you thru music, sight, words, and art, all in the spirit of love.
The adventure continues with T.E.A. ( Up The Rabbit Whole) EP & Emmersive Experience. The 2nd single "Sunny Daze" is sure to put you in a good mood, with the partytime music & a danceable beat. Enjoy =)
T.E.A. ( Total Emmersive Audio) is a collective colaboration of DJ Thergood and steve e ross. Together they have created a new genre called : "Emmersive". To get the Big Picture please listen / view "Up The Rabbi Whole". We aspire to enlighten, entertain and empower you. Our purpose is to inspire, and uplift you thru music, sight, words, and art, all in the spirit of love.
Ready to start the adventure? Take a sip of T.E.A. and go ( Up The Rabbit Whole ) Emmersive Experience. "Chill Waves" is the 1st single and a instrumental gem, that will take you to a place of your own imaging. This song will "Chill U Tha @&*k Out!!!". Its sure to put you in a "Chill Mood", with "Chill Music" for "Chill Vibes". Hahaaa so "chill out" & enjoy =)
T.E.A. ( Total Emmersive Audio) is a collective colaboration of DJ Thergood and steve e ross. Together they have created a new genre called : "Emmersive". To get the Big Picture please listen / view "Up The Rabbi Whole". We aspire to enlighten, entertain and empower you. Our purpose is to inspire, and uplift you thru music, sight, words, and art, all in the spirit of love.
Get ready folks to "Turn you Up & On"!!! steve e ross featuring Dread Daze colabo on a experimental joint, designed to Vibrate your Root Shakra. ( that is the reproductive area of ur body) This international dance track is sure to make you "Shake Dat Ass". N-Joy =)
steve "e" ross Music Producer, Artist, Musician, Composer, Arranger, and Entertainer, embodies the essence of a true artist. Originally hailing from Chicago, Illinois he relocated to California at an early age with his family, and discovered his passion for music and in no time was in hot pursuit of a predestined future.
Let's get this party started. Take a sip of T.E.A. and go " Up The Rabbit Whole.. " This Long Play gem will take you to a place of your own imaging. Once you hit play, your 15 minute, ( Non-Stop ) Emmersive Audio Experience begins. Enjoy =)
*** Please Note: To get the full Emmersive Experience, we suggest you listen in either Suround Sound, Dolby Atmos and or Spacial Audio.***
T.E.A. ( Total Emmersive Audio) is a collective colaboration of DJ Thergood and steve e ross. Together they have created a new genre called : "Emmersive". To get the Big Picture please listen / view "Up The Rabbi Whole". We aspire to enlighten, entertain and empower you. Our purpose is to inspire, and uplift you thru music, sight, words, and art, all in the spirit of love.