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  • NFT 2


Jasmine Lee is back with a sophomore EP entitled "Riddle". Once again Conscious Soul is the theme for this collection of songs. Except this time, Jasmine Lee takes a introspective approach to her lyrics of Enlightenment. Electro Funk, House, and Hip Hop are the rhythmic core for her music. Still, she groove your body and sings to your Soul.


San Fransico born singer/songwriter Jasmine Lee attributes her early eclectic appreciation of music in part to her family's longstanding tradition of artistic involvement, beginning with her maternal grandmother's brief flirtation with the Broadway stage. From a lineage of painters, actors, writers and musicians, notwithstanding her counter-culture upbringing with her actress mother, with whom she shared many a stage, the tone was set for her very unique evolvement as an artist in her own right.

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  • NFT 2


With this EP, expect the unexpected, because "The Activation" Part One takes the listener for a ride and adventure. The music is beautifully orchestrated and supports the cool-raw vocal style of Angel ll:ll. This EP is a blend of old school rock, funk, pop, trip hop, and alternative soul. It would be wise to put your helmet on and buckle up your seat beat, as you embark on a musical journey that transcends beyond sight and sound, things and ideas. THE ACTIVATION IS HERE 11:11


New York City recording artist/actor Angel ll:ll blends old school rock, jazz, pop, alternative, conscious soul and funk into his own distinct sound for today, tomorrow and beyond. With Angel you get the scene, there are no boundaries. Singing and writing of life, love, happiness, politics and spirituality, he is able to touch the souls of many that are inspired by the divine--- his true calling. "The goal is to take the listener for a ride, an adventure"... With this artist it would be wise to wear your seat belt and expect the unexpected. His Infinite Imagination is his main instrument. He has his own unique style that will have you singing, dancing and thinking all at the same time. Angel's empathy can be heard in every word. Angel's cool-raw vocal style compliments his strong original grooves not to mention a hot sexy live show.

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