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If you don't know, NOW!! you know. Bruce Hathcock is by far, "HANDS DOWN" one of the Best and Most Versatile Singers out now. "Alright Now" EP Compilation is a small collection of some of his finest works. These songs are from Hathcocks vast discography of music. This EP showcases not only his heartfelt and versatile singing, but his heartfelt and versatile songwriting. He's Pop, R n B, Soul, Alternative, Folk, Rock and Gangsta'. (Name me a singer who's doing all That?) Each song tells a True to life story as Hathcock struggles and is inspired to a better life. Something we all can relate to, I'm sure you will be inspired to. N-Joy =)



Bruce Hathcock was born an rasised in Los Angeles, California. After being homeless a few time, Bruce was able to overcome his hardship, by focusing on hard work and and his God givien talents of voice and music. Bruce Hathecock's diverse musical influences range from Joni Mitchell, Jimi Hendrix, George Benson, Prince to rap icons N.W.A. and Bone Thugs-n-Harmoney. 

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Bruce Hathcock playing guitart with hat and white boarder

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Lundsgaard EP

on: 15 July 2017


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This Singer/Songwriter has got it "Right"!!! Lundsgaard EP is a very welcome breath of fresh air. Acoustic Soul, Folk with an Alternative flare, assist you (without imposing) to take time out to "Breathe". This EP is stripped down acoustic songs and instrumentation with catchy melodies. Lundsgaard will have you singing along, while the messages and melodies keep lingering with-in. Straight up!!! this is the funnest approach to Enlighten and Empower you to "All That Matters". =)


Rob Lundsgaard is a graduate of the United Kingdom, London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. Drawing upon his past experience as a filmmaker, he revels in sharing the stories and adventures of the yogic deities, bringing passion and relevance to this ancient mythology.

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Its not often that a band can take you from 0-100 Up, Down, Fast, and Forward in one sonic Swoop of music, emotions, and words. Piel combines Alternative, Rock and Soul, that collide together creating a symphony of Alternative Rock & Soul. * Piel's Debut EP "Conversation" provides That...Fun and Consciousness N music 4 "CONVERSATION". 

* ( I know u'll undstd what I'm saying, once you listen the whole way thru.)


Amidst shades of crimson poured from red light bulbs, serviced and imbibed by even redder wine whilst a sound machine conditions the air of a dark wood Victorian den, stereo speakers sound the vibrations of words like, “I don’t mind if all that’s wonderful is buried under what we assume; keep telling me, to lose myself, to be set free…” 

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This is a compilation of Exclusive Recordings Artist. These songs have been Exclusively selected to get your day off to a "GREAT" start and for your Enlightenment, Entertainment and Enjoyment.

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mission statment smaller 3rd white boarder

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 This is a compilation of Exclusive Recordings Artist. These songs have been Exclusively selected for your "Nite-time" Entertainment, and Enjoyment.

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mission statment smaller 3rd white boarder

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This DVD/EP contains BE Natural's music videos, documentary and additional 7 songs. If ever you want to know and see the inner-workings of a young band on a mission to "WHERE"??? this DVD is for you. You will laugh, cry and, sing along.... as "BE Natural" strives to be a voice for the PEOPLE. 


"BE NATURAL" is more than just a name given to these musical wonders. The title expresses a theme, a movement, a new way of thinking. "BE   NATURAL" is the new flow in music fusing Alternative, R&B, Hip Hop, Spoken Word, Blues, Rock, Jazz and Soul.

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This EP is true to tha ROOTS!!! The BE Natural Roots that is. Alternative Soul with a hint of Rock, the music is reflective of the L.A. Life Style, Weather, Laid back Fun & Good Times of the "City of Angels" know as Los Angeles. From beginning to end, this Ep will take you thru L.A. around, and Beyond.



"BE NATURAL" is more than just a name given to these musical wonders. The title expresses a theme, a movement, a new way of thinking. "BE   NATURAL" is the new flow in music fusing Alternative, R&B, Hip Hop, Spoken Word, Blues, Rock, Jazz and Soul.

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With this EP, expect the unexpected, because "The Activation" Part One takes the listener for a ride and adventure. The music is beautifully orchestrated and supports the cool-raw vocal style of Angel ll:ll. This EP is a blend of old school rock, funk, pop, trip hop, and alternative soul. It would be wise to put your helmet on and buckle up your seat beat, as you embark on a musical journey that transcends beyond sight and sound, things and ideas. THE ACTIVATION IS HERE 11:11


New York City recording artist/actor Angel ll:ll blends old school rock, jazz, pop, alternative, conscious soul and funk into his own distinct sound for today, tomorrow and beyond. With Angel you get the scene, there are no boundaries. Singing and writing of life, love, happiness, politics and spirituality, he is able to touch the souls of many that are inspired by the divine--- his true calling. "The goal is to take the listener for a ride, an adventure"... With this artist it would be wise to wear your seat belt and expect the unexpected. His Infinite Imagination is his main instrument. He has his own unique style that will have you singing, dancing and thinking all at the same time. Angel's empathy can be heard in every word. Angel's cool-raw vocal style compliments his strong original grooves not to mention a hot sexy live show.

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The EP "Conversation Peace's" is a collection of songs meant to encourage Conversations to Peace. These songs range from social issues to topics of Love, Sex and everything in-between. BE Natural is a new flow of Alternative Soul, fused with Hip Hop, Spoken Word and Rock. "Conversation Peace's" is sure to arouse your soul to conversate.


"BE NATURAL" is more than just a name given to these musical wonders. The title expresses a theme, a movement, a new way of thinking. "BE   NATURAL" is the new flow in music fusing Alternative, R&B, Hip Hop, Spoken Word, Blues, Rock, Jazz and Soul.

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